If you've perused the
archives around here, you'll find a butt-load of posts referring to my T1-ness.
For new readers, that's my Energy Profile, a la
Carol Tuttle. I discovered it a couple years ago, and it's had a HUGE impact on my life.
I got into the
Dressing Your Truth side of it on the blogola, but lately I'm wrestling with it again.
But lately I feel 'frumpy' in them...which is definitely NOT a T1 word.
This spring brought tons of great T1 colors and fashion to the stores,
so it's not hard to find stuff, but I just feel a bit silly in them.
After playing with 'looks' for the past couple years, I never really settled into a style I liked.
I feel like I'm starting from square one again.
(Me last spring, and would never wear this in public again)
In fact, I sold 3/4ths of my spring/summer clothes to consignment last week.
A lot of this has to do with my size, because I'm still learning to like how I look.
And a bright happy overweight woman in bright happy colors can come off as well, clown-ish.
I don't like drawing attention to myself if I feel like I look like a clown.
(Easter 2010, would never wear this in public again either)
But maybe that's just me.
Maybe other folks enjoy looking like clowns.
I don't judge.
My T4 secondary is very strong, so I find myself fighting the urge to dress in very structured, bold straight lines (I think it makes me look thinner too).
I have a good bit of T2 in there too, so I like comfy frilly, lacey stuff too.
Which is why I MUST be a T1....all the possibilities, right?
(me circa 2005, dressed T4, size 12-14, LOVED this look and outfit, T1 son with balloon hat!)
As I continue to shrink evah-so-slowly, it will be good to shop thrift stores as I don't plan to stay in one size very long, so hopefully I can play a bit with styles and color combos that don't scream "bozo the clown".
Some of my outfits on here are just over the top for my T4 secondary, so I need to somehow honor that without squelching my dominant T1.
(although things have improved 100-fold since they started)
so I'm kinda on my own looking for what works within my world.
Then again, maybe I'll feel better drawing attention to myself with fun clothes and accessories
once the weight is gone?
Shallow point of view, but probably pretty close to the truth.
(infamous 80's party circa 2005)
Any T1s have pinterest boards? I'd love to see some inspiration for trendy, fun fashion.